Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Naukasana, also known as the Boat Pose, is a yoga posture that helps to tone the abdominal muscles, strengthen the legs, and improve overall body balance. This pose is a challenging but rewarding posture that requires focus, control, and balance. It is a great way to improve your core strength and flexibility, and can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their level of yoga experience.

Meaning of Naukasana and Where it Came From

The word “Naukasana” comes from the Sanskrit words “nauka,” which means boat, and “asana,” which means posture. This pose is said to resemble a boat floating on water, hence the name. The origin of Naukasana is not clear, but it has been practiced in traditional Hatha yoga for many years.

When To Practice Naukasana

Naukasana is a great pose to practice in the morning or evening. It is best to practice on an empty stomach or at least a few hours after a meal. It can be practiced as a standalone pose or as part of a larger yoga routine.

Step by Step Guide How to Do Naukasana

  1. Lie on your back with your legs together and your arms by your sides.
  2. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, lift your head, chest, and legs off the ground.
  3. Extend your arms towards your feet, keeping them parallel to the ground.
  4. Keep your gaze fixed on your toes.
  5. Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds.
  6. Slowly release the pose as you exhale.

Common Mistakes of Naukasana

One common mistake in Naukasana is not keeping the back straight. It is important to engage the core muscles to maintain a straight back. Another common mistake is not keeping the legs and arms straight, which can compromise the integrity of the pose.

Suggested Preparatory Asanas

Preparatory asanas for Naukasana include 

  • Plank pose
  • Cobra pose
  • Low boat pose

These poses help to strengthen the core muscles and improve balance.

Suggested Follow-Up Asanas

Follow-up asanas for Naukasana include:

  • Child’s pose
  • Seated forward fold
  • Savasana

These poses help to release any tension in the body and promote relaxation.

Pro Tips for Beginners

Beginners can start by holding the pose for a few seconds and gradually increasing the time as they become more comfortable. It is important to focus on your breath and engage your core muscles to maintain balance.


Naukasana should be avoided if you have a neck or back injury. It is also not recommended for pregnant women.

Modifications & Variations 

Modifications for Naukasana include bending the knees or placing the hands behind the thighs for support. Variations include single leg boat pose and half boat pose.


It is important to listen to your body and not push yourself beyond your limits in Naukasana. If you experience any discomfort or pain, it is best to release the pose and take a break. It is also important to practice on a stable and flat surface to avoid any injuries.

20 Health Benefits of Naukasana 

  1. Strengthens the Abdominal Muscles: Naukasana helps to tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles, leading to improved digestion and metabolism.
  1. Improves Digestion: This posture can stimulate the digestive system, helping to relieve constipation, gas, and bloating.
  1. Reduces Belly Fat: Naukasana is an effective way to target belly fat, making it an ideal posture for weight loss.
  1. Improves Posture: This pose helps to improve posture by strengthening the back muscles and increasing flexibility.
  1. Tones the Thighs: Naukasana targets the muscles of the thighs, making them stronger and more toned.
  1. Improves Balance: This posture helps to improve balance and coordination by engaging the core muscles.
  1. Increases Flexibility: Naukasana helps to increase flexibility in the legs, back, and hips.
  1. Relieves Stress: This posture can help to relieve stress and tension by calming the mind and promoting relaxation.
  1. Boosts Confidence: Naukasana can help to boost confidence by improving overall physical strength and flexibility.
  1. Improves Blood Circulation: This posture helps to improve blood circulation, which can promote overall health and wellbeing.
  1. Improves Lung Capacity: Naukasana can help to improve lung capacity by opening up the chest and allowing for deeper breathing.
  1. Reduces Anxiety: This pose can help to reduce anxiety and promote feelings of calm and relaxation.
  1. Increases Energy Levels: Naukasana can help to increase energy levels by stimulating the nervous system and promoting circulation.
  1. Strengthens the Lower Back: This posture helps to strengthen the lower back muscles, reducing the risk of injury and back pain.
  1. Increases Stamina: Naukasana helps to increase stamina and endurance by strengthening the core muscles.
  1. Boosts Immunity: This posture can help to boost the immune system by improving overall physical health and wellbeing.
  1. Improves Focus and Concentration: Naukasana can help to improve focus and concentration by calming the mind and promoting mental clarity.
  1. Helps to Relieve Menstrual Discomfort: This posture can help to relieve menstrual discomfort by improving blood flow to the pelvic region.
  1. Stimulates Kidney and Liver Function: Naukasana can help to stimulate the kidneys and liver, leading to improved overall health and wellbeing.
  1. Promotes Overall Health and Wellbeing: This posture helps to promote overall health and wellbeing by improving physical strength, flexibility, and mental clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) About Naukasana 

Q: What is Naukasana?

A: Naukasana is a yoga posture that is also known as the Boat Pose.

Q: What does Naukasana mean?

A: Naukasana is derived from two Sanskrit words, “nauka,” which means “boat,” and “asana,” which means “pose.”

Q: What are the benefits of Naukasana?

A: Some of the benefits of Naukasana include improved digestion, increased core strength, improved posture, reduced stress and anxiety, and increased energy levels.

Q: When is the best time to practice Naukasana?

A: It is best to practice Naukasana on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

Q: How long should I hold the Naukasana posture?

A: You can start by holding the posture for 10-15 seconds and gradually increasing the duration as you build strength.

Q: Can Naukasana help with weight loss?

A: Yes, Naukasana is an effective posture for weight loss as it targets the abdominal muscles and helps to reduce belly fat.

Q: Can beginners practice Naukasana?

A: Yes, beginners can practice Naukasana, but they should start with modifications and gradually work their way up to the full posture.

Q: Are there any contraindications for Naukasana?

A: Naukasana should be avoided if you have any spinal or neck injuries, hernia, or high blood pressure.

Q: Can Naukasana be practiced during pregnancy?

A: It is not recommended to practice Naukasana during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters.

Q: How can I modify Naukasana if I have a weak lower back?

A: You can modify Naukasana by keeping your knees bent and your feet on the floor.

Q: Can Naukasana help with back pain?

A: Yes, Naukasana can help to alleviate back pain by strengthening the lower back muscles.

Q: How can I deepen my Naukasana posture?

A: You can deepen your Naukasana posture by lifting your feet off the floor and extending your legs fully.

Q: Can Naukasana help with digestion?

A: Yes, Naukasana can help to improve digestion by stimulating the digestive system and relieving constipation, gas, and bloating.

Q: How often should I practice Naukasana?

A: You can practice Naukasana 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the frequency as you build strength.

Q: Can Naukasana help with stress and anxiety?

A: Yes, Naukasana can help to reduce stress and anxiety by calming the mind and promoting relaxation.

Q: How can I prepare for Naukasana?

A: You can prepare for Naukasana by practicing other core-strengthening postures such as plank, bridge, and locust.

Q: How can I follow up Naukasana?

A: You can follow up Naukasana by practicing gentle stretches such as child’s pose, downward dog, and seated forward fold.

Q: Is it normal to feel discomfort in the lower back while practicing Naukasana?

A: It is common to feel discomfort in the lower back while practicing Naukasana, but if the pain is severe, you should stop the posture and consult a yoga teacher.

Q: How can I modify Naukasana if I have tight hamstrings?

A: You can modify Naukasana by bending your knees slightly or placing a folded blanket under your hips.


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