Health Benefits of Corn

It is hard to believe that a bowl of corn can have so many benefits, but it has! From keeping your eyes and heart-healthy to helping in weight regulation, it has all of it. Here are the health benefits of corn:

  1. Corn has a high content of insoluble fiber that is not digested when consumed but gets released into the bloodstream. This insoluble fiber helps our body to excrete by remaining in the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Corn helps in gaining weight. An underweight person can rely on corn to make them look and be better. It contains lots of vitamins, adequate calories, and high-quality dietary fiber. All this adds up to make you full and stop your frequent cravings for junk foods and other unhealthy ones.
  1. Being high in fiber, corn increases blood flow throughout the body and helps in regulating insulin levels. Also, it ensures a normal heartbeat. If taken in limited quantity, corn will ensure your blood sugar levels remain neutral.
  1.  Another benefit of high fiber content is that corn takes control of cholesterol levels. It helps in draining out LDL or bad cholesterol and the formation of new cells.
  1. Corn eliminates various conditions and issues due to a lack of RBC in the body as it fulfills the requirement. It is rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12, all of this helps in the generation of new RBC cells.
  1. Corn has all those essential nutrients that can keep your eyes healthy and vision sound. It has carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin in the retina of the eye. Both of them safeguard our eyes from any damage caused by free radicals.
  1. An antioxidant named quercetin can help both acute and chronic inflammation.
  1. Corn helps with congenital disabilities in babies. It contains three essential nutrients that help expecting mothers cope up with their pregnancy. Folic acid, zeaxanthin, and pathogenic acid are the nutrients that reduce the risk of congenital disabilities and safeguard the fetus from muscular degeneration. Again, the high fiber content of corn helps to-be-mother fight off constipation that usually happens.
  1. Corn is an energy booster. It has high complex carbs that slowly digests and keeps providing energy for a longer time. Not only it gives physical strength but also helps with the healthy functioning of the central nervous system and makes you active.

Skin Benefits of Corn

Now skin benefits of corn are something that rarely anyone knows. It is not only healthy for your body but has some, very few though, benefits for the skin. Below are some of them:

  1. Sensitive skin often gets damaged by small changes, and it gets challenging to manage such skin type. But with corn, no one needs to worry. It has a high amount of vitamin C that safeguards skin of any damage due to free radicaksolk7.
  1. It becomes frustrating when one has an out-job or field job as the skin goes through a lot and with time loses its softness, complexion, etc. Corn comes here to take care of such skin. It fights-off UV rays and protects from suntan. Also, it speeds up the production of collagen that results in smoother and softer skin and increases elasticity.
  1. The use treats skin problems like rashes of corn. Cosmetics have corn starch as an ingredient in their products. This is because it has some antioxidants that reduce inflammation and other adverse effects and prevent any allergies caused by the use of such cosmetics.

Hair benefits of Corn

Vitamins are one of the essential nutrients that keep your hair healthy and beautiful. And many of such vitamins are filled within the corn. Here are some of the few benefits of corn for hair:

1.   With enough amount of vitamin C and lycopene, collagen production in the body increases and helps rough hair. Corn increases softness and makes it look more attractive.

2.   A common problem of every other girl is hair fall. Vitamin E and the efficiency of corn to increase calcium absorption will eliminate hair loss to a great extent.

3.   Another common problem among both genders is hair loss. There are many reasons for hair loss, and one of them is weakened hair. Corn, being rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, strengthens up every strand of hair. This eliminates hair loss problem to some level.

4.   One of the most embarrassing situations faced by people is being called older due to their appearance. Including corn in your diet can be a lot beneficial to you. Corn has fatty acids and vitamin E that prevents various signs of premature ageing like greying of hair.

Fighting-off Diseases

Having loads of vitamins, minerals, and high-quality dietary fiber makes corn worth adding to your diet. Corn not only does good to your health, skin, and hair but also treats, prevents, and helps some diseases.

Not everyone is known for its incredible fighting-off disease potential. So let us make you aware of how a cup of delicious corn can be beneficial to some patients.

Age-related problems are prevented and treated with the use of corn. Talking about Alzheimer’s, corn has antioxidant named quercetin that controls it. The antioxidant also helps to prevent other neurodegenerative diseases.

Corn aids digestion and eliminates the risk of various stomach-related diseases. Being high in soluble fiber, corn helps in the excretion of waste from the body, preventing constipation. Similarly, corn also helps with the pain and uneasiness of piles and even works in preventing it.

A disease named Anaemia is caused due to lack of iron. Corn, being rich in iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid, improves red blood cells by releasing these nutrients and also increases its production in blood. This prevents and fights-off anemia effectively.

The high content of dietary fiber makes corn healthy food for heart patients. Along with fiber, it has carotenoids that prevent heart-diseases and keeps it healthy.

A type of cancer is also prevented and treated with corn. Colon cancer caused due to excess of alcohol, smoking, or might be inherited stated to be treated by a compound found in corn.

Other than the diseases mentioned above, corn contains ferulic acid that is found to fight cancerous cells and tissues, and stop their growth to prevent cancers and tumors.

Another benefit of consuming corn regularly in the long term is that it helps hypertension and thus treats different types of headaches.

Side-effects of Corn

1.   Depending entirely on corn for different nutrients is just not right as it does not contain all the essential nutrients, including calcium. Lack of which can cause bone pain and even osteoporosis.

2.   If you are not balancing how much corn you should intake, it can lead to obesity and over-weight, since it has a high amount of sugar carbohydrates.

3.   If the consumption exceeded, corn could lead to various oral problems, including tooth decay as it contains enough amount of sugar.

4.   Though corn prevents pikes and constipation by smoothening up the excretion process, its excess in the body can lead to the adverse effect of intestinal disorders like diarrhea.

5.   Remember, limited consumption of corn can prevent diabetes but should not be consumed in a considerable amount if a person has diabetes. It may increase blood sugar levels that can worsen diabetes.

6.   Beware of how your body reacts to corn. If after consumption, rashes, swelling, and nausea is observed, then consult a doctor. Corn has some amount of ingestible protein that is affecting your body.

Adding Corn to your diet

Now that you are aware of all the benefits and side-effects, you must be craving to know how can we add it to our daily diet. Two of the most common and loved corn-recipe are spicy corn and baby corn. Indians crave a lot for bhuna bhutta during monsoon; its appealing aroma makes it hard not to have it. And this makes it the best way as well as the quick one.

Here are some of the other best ways that can make you crave for them every day:

·    Corn Fritters is a quick, easy, and yummy way to have corn in your diet. Combining it with roasted bell pepper sauce can be the best possible way to have it.

·    Bhutte da Kabab is loved in Indian households. The crispy spicy and cheesy kababs with chutney makes it hard for anyone to resist.

·    Bhutta Handi is another Indian sabji that is often prepared on different occasions. Its tempting sweet and sour taste makes it unique.

·    Corn is often used as toppings on different food, including pizza and pasta.

·    Corn Chaat is prepared by combining different flavors. It goes well with different fruits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Should we eat raw corn?

·    Yes. There should not be any doubt as the rawness of corn increase its effect. It enhances antioxidants action and increases its productivity.

Q. Is it OK to have corn as breakfast?

·    Yes. Have a cup of boiled corn or add some veggies. It is better to have in cooked form as it doesn’t give much stress on the digestion process.

Q. Can we have water after corn?

·    No. Corn has some complex carbohydrates and a fair amount of starch that can interrupt digestion when combined with water. This may lead to gas, acidity, or an upset stomach for the rest of the day.

Q. What is the best way to consume corn?

·    Having roasted corn is best. Roast it on a burner or in a microwave for some time. Indians love bhuna bhutta for a reason though.

Q. Is it OK to feed babies corn?

·    No. It is advisable not to give corn until they turn 1. It might disturb their digestion due to complex carbs that their intestine might not be able to digest.

Q. Which is best, roasted or boiled corn?

·    Though both forms have their pros and cons, roasted corn is still preferable. Boiled corn might decrease its action and reduce benefits.

Final Words

You must be amazed to know that the sweet & spicy corn you were having in theatres is so beneficial to you. And you were making yourself healthier. Hope you have found reasons to add it to your life and daily diet. Keep side-effects in your mind while having it and consult a doctor if you encounter any problem after eating it. 


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