Home Remedy For Ulcer

Peptic ulcer or stomach ulcer form when a combination of excess gastric acids, bacteria, drugs, or other toxins causes damage and small openings to the tissue that lines the stomach and part of the small intestine.

Peptic ulcers involve ulceration in the stomach’s mucus, called Gastric Ulcer or Duodenum, which is also called Duodenal ulcer.

Nowadays, Duodenal Ulcer is more common. Usually, there is a protective layer in the stomach, which comprises mucus and bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acid secreted by the stomach mucosa.

This protective layer can break down by a bacteria called H. Pylori and medications such as steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil, Bayer, and Motrin IB.

It can also be because of an increase in stomach acid caused by alcohol, smoking, stress, spicy foods, and excessive consumption of caffeine like coffee and tea.

Symptoms of Ulcer

1. Epigastric discomfort or pain

2. Nausea and vomiting

3. Dyspepsia – associated with Indigestion

4. Hematemesis – Vomiting of blood

5. Coffee ground vomit – Digested blood

6. Melena – Tarry black stool

7. Iron deficiency – Anaemia

8. Heat burn – Burning sensation between chest or belly button

9. Dull pain in the stomach

10. Weight loss

Complications of Ulcer

  1. Bleeding from nausea is relatively common. Either it can be a lower level of bleeding due to iron deficiency anemia, or potentially it could be a life-threatening massive hemorrhage. It could be quite a severe complication. 
  1. Perforation, ulcers create a hole in the stomach, and fluid in the stomach can leak into the peritoneal. It causes peritonitis, which requires urgent repair by surgery.
  1. Scarring and strictures of the stomach from the mucosa. It can lead to the pylorus’s narrowing, which is the stomach’s exit, and cause difficulty in emptying the stomach. It is known as pyloric stenosis, which typically presents with upper abdominal pain, particularly distension, reflux, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms mainly come on after eating some food.

Remedies for Ulcer

Fenugreek seeds and Water

Take a water cup and add one teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds and boil in a boiling pot for 10 minutes.

When it cools down, strain the solution in a cup. Have this with an empty stomach.

  1. Cabbage and Carrot

Take a half cabbage and two carrots. Cut it into pieces and blend it in a blender. Strain the solution and have a half cup before the meal or breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Drink this daily for a few weeks to get relief.

  1. Pepper

Pepper can be eaten raw or uncooked. It can juice with lemon by adding lemon juice to powdered pepper. They help to avoid the occurrence of stomach aches and, at the same time, alleviate pain and prevent the growth of H. Pylori.

  1. Juice

Take half cabbage, one cucumber, 2-inch fresh peeled ginger, half cup mint leaves, and a half cup of aloe vera and blend everything in a blender. Strain in a cup and have it several times a day. This juice will decrease symptoms and heal the Ulcer. 

  1. Garlic

Take two cloves of garlic and crush it to make a paste. Take one tablespoon of this paste two times a day for at least one week to see the results.

Garlic has an anti-microbial and antibiotic activity that destroys the H. Pylori infection and prevents forming a new ulcer.

  1. Cabbage

Take a half cabbage and blend it in a blender. Strain the solution in a cup and have it before sleeping.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, antibiotics, and antioxidants against H. Pylori bacteria.

Foods to cure Ulcer

  1. Honey 

Honey has a unique compound to heal ulcers. Honey also acts against H. Pylori bacteria.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera reduces the production of stomach acid. Drinking aloe vera, along with medication, showed faster healing of stomach ulcers. 

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, which decrease further damage due to stomach ulcers.

  1.  Onion

Onion prevents the growth of ulcer-causing bacteria that can increase the risk of stomach inflammation and further may lead to stomach cancer. 

  1. Tea

Peppermint and chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties that can ease ulcer pain and promote healing. 

Natural ways to treat Ulcer

  1. Avoid unnecessary pain medication

Non-asteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often prescribed to treat a different condition that causes fever, pain, and swelling. Some people rely on taking them practically every day to help control their chronic and recurring pain, such as colds, headaches, arthritis, joint pain, premenstrual cramps, and infection. These drugs affect the gastrin intestinal system by altering how to digest to enzyme and stomach acids of produce. 

These pain medications not only decrease these enzymes but, at the same time, lower the production of another chemical that protects the stomach lining from the harmful acids. Try and stop these pain medications or at least reduce how much to take them regularly. Avoid taking more than the recommend or prescribed dose. Check the labels for instructions and ask to doctor for advice about how and when to take pain medications.

  1. Stress

It weakens the immune system and worsens digestion making it more likely to become sick from various bacteria encounters. In the time of high stress, the body uses energy to perform other life-saving functions beyond digesting food and protecting the body from microorganisms.  

Avoid stressful people’s places and situations. Exercise regularly, physical activities stimulate the production of Endorphins, which are also known as happy hormones. Meditate every day. Just take a few minutes each day to enjoy your moments of peace. Spearmint oil, lavender oil, and other essential oil can help to reduce stress.

  1. Immunity

Boost protection against infection by dropping poor lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking, high amount of alcohol, toxic exposure, and eating a poor diet.

All these will cause inflammation, lower immunity, and contribute to ulcer formation. Some of these can also make the treatment of ulcers more different. Research shows that smoking cigarettes can make ulcers harder to heal and can make it painful.

  1. Diet

An improper diet that includes lots of package processed foods and few fresh foods like vegetables and fruits increases the risk for ulcers. Skipping regular meals and eating one or two times a day can also make ulcer symptoms worse. 

Try eating small meals. Eating several times a day in a smaller quantity reduces the digestive system’s burden and relieve ulcer symptoms. Include high fiber food, and an increase in fiber can repair ulcers. Green leafy vegetables provide vitamin K that can help repair damage caused by too much stomach acid.

Here are some more foods that have to avoid in the case of stomach ulcer:

A. Avoid certain foods like spicy foods because it irritates Ulcer.

B. Avoid caffeine like coffee and tea, which makes Ulcer worse.

C. Try to reduce the consumption of alcohol; it triggers ulcer formation.

D. Avoid sugary foods because they feedback on bacteria and make the Ulcer worse.

  1. Probiotics

Consume probiotics daily. Make sure about getting enough beneficial bacteria in the food. It will help to eliminate the harmful bacteria without the need for antibiotics. It will also help in proper digestion. Ideally, one should get probiotics from fermented foods, but you need to supplement probiotics if not eating enough fermented foods regularly.

Include a variety of culture and beverage foods in the diet. Fermented food that can easily add to the diet is fermented vegetables, culture dairies like yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the fastest way to cure stomach ulcer?

One can cure stomach ulcers by adding few foods to the diets, such as honey, cabbage, probiotics, garlic, mastic, blueberry, cranberry, apples, blueberries, and raspberries blackberries, strawberries, cherries, and green tea. These all help to cure stomach ulcers rapidly. 

  1.  Can you take tums with an ulcer?

It is not wise to take antacids, such as tums, when you have a stomach ulcer. It will not heal stomach ulcers; instead, it will interfere with medications. However, you will get relief for a little while.

  1. What should I not eat with a stomach ulcer?

One should avoid eating with stomach ulcers: chocolates, coffee, spicy foods, acidic food, caffeine, and alcohol.

  1. How long stomach ulcer take to heal?

Gastric ulcers take about 2-3 months to heal, while duodenal ulcers take about 6 weeks to heal. If not treated with antibiotics, ulcers may or may not heal. It can come back again and become recurring if not treated well.

  1. How can I prevent ulcers?

To prevent stomach ulcers, avoid foods that irritate the stomach, and practice moderation. One should also stop smoking if you do so and try to control your stress level with regular exercise.

Final Words

In the above article, we have mentioned all the known remedies to treat ulcers. I hope they prove to be effective. Try to prevent ulcers with better digestion. If your digestive system is smooth, you will not have to suffer from ulcers. Be healthy and prevent most of the health problems! Avoid self-medication and consult with a doctor for better results. 


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