
Marichyasana is a seated twisting yoga pose that requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and focus. It is named after the sage Marichi, who was known for his wisdom and insight. This pose helps to increase flexibility in the spine, shoulders, and hips, as well as improving digestion and reducing stress.

Meaning of Marichyasana and Where it Came From

The word Marichyasana is derived from two Sanskrit words, “Marichi,” which means “ray of light,” and “asana,” which means “posture.” According to the ancient Indian texts, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita, Marichyasana is one of the 84 classical yoga asanas.

When To Practice Marichyasana

Marichyasana is best practiced in the morning on an empty stomach. It is also ideal to practice after completing warm-up stretches, as well as other yoga poses that help to stretch and strengthen the spine and hips.

Step by Step guide How to do Marichyasana

  1. Begin by sitting in Dandasana, with your legs straight out in front of you.
  1. Bend your right knee and place your foot on the floor, with your heel as close to your sitting bone as possible.
  1. Inhale and raise your left arm, then exhale and twist your torso to the right, placing your left elbow on the outside of your right knee.
  1. Bring your hands together in prayer position, with your palms pressing firmly against each other.
  1. Keep your spine straight and press your sitting bones firmly into the floor.
  1. Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, then release and repeat on the other side.

Common Mistakes of Marichyasana

One of the most common mistakes in Marichyasana is rounding the spine, which can lead to strain in the lower back. It is important to keep the spine straight and lengthened throughout the pose. Additionally, avoid forcing the twist by using the arms instead of the core muscles.

Suggested preparatory asanas 

Before practicing Marichyasana, it is recommended to do some preparatory poses to warm up the body and stretch the spine and hips. Some of these poses include:

  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Cat-Cow Pose
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Seated Forward Fold

Suggested follow-up asanas

After practicing Marichyasana, it is beneficial to follow up with some poses that help to release any tension in the body and restore energy. Some of these poses include:

  • Child’s Pose
  • Supine Spinal Twist
  • Shoulder Stand
  • Savasana

Pro Tips for Beginners

For beginners, it is important to focus on maintaining proper alignment in Marichyasana. Use props such as a yoga block or bolster to help support the spine and hips if needed. It is also recommended to start with a gentle twist and gradually deepen the pose as your flexibility increases.


Marichyasana is not recommended for individuals with certain medical conditions such as herniated discs, severe lower back pain, or high blood pressure. It is important to consult with a physician before practicing this pose if you have any concerns or medical conditions.

Modifications & Variations 

There are several modifications and variations of Marichyasana that can be done to suit different levels of flexibility and ability. Some of these variations include:

  • Half Marichyasana: This modification involves bending only one knee and twisting towards that side,
  • Bound Marichyasana: This variation involves binding the hands behind the back while in the twist.
  • Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose: This pose is similar to Marichyasana, but with the forward leg straightened and the torso twisted towards the extended leg.


As with any yoga pose, it is important to practice Marichyasana mindfully and with awareness of your body’s limitations. Some precautions to keep in mind include:

  • Avoid jerking or forcing the twist, as this can lead to injury.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort, come out of the pose immediately.
  • Do not practice this pose if you are pregnant or have recently had abdominal surgery.
  • If you have any concerns or medical conditions, consult with a physician or certified yoga instructor before practicing this pose.

In conclusion, Marichyasana is a challenging and rewarding yoga pose that offers a range of physical and mental benefits. With proper alignment and awareness, this pose can help to increase flexibility, improve digestion, and reduce stress. As with any yoga practice, it is important to listen to your body and practice mindfully, honoring your limitations and working towards greater awareness and self-discovery.

20 Health Benefits of Marichyasana 

Marichyasana, also known as the Sage Pose, is a popular yoga posture that offers numerous health benefits. Here are 20 health benefits of Marichyasana with brief explanations:

  1. Improves Digestion: Marichyasana stimulates the digestive system, which can help to improve digestion and relieve digestive discomfort.
  1. Increases Spinal Flexibility: This pose stretches the spine and improves its flexibility, promoting overall spinal health.
  1. Strengthens Core Muscles: Marichyasana strengthens the core muscles, including the abdominals and obliques.
  1. Enhances Concentration: The focus required in this pose can enhance mental clarity and concentration.
  1. Improves Posture: Practicing Marichyasana regularly can help to improve posture and alignment.
  1. Relieves Stress: This pose helps to release tension and stress in the body, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
  1. Reduces Anxiety: Marichyasana can help to reduce anxiety by calming the nervous system.
  1. Boosts Immunity: This pose can boost immunity by stimulating the lymphatic system, which helps to remove toxins from the body.
  1. Improves Blood Circulation: Marichyasana promotes blood circulation, which can improve overall health and wellbeing.
  1. Increases Lung Capacity: This pose opens up the chest and improves lung capacity, promoting better breathing.
  1. Relieves Lower Back Pain: Marichyasana stretches the lower back and can relieve lower back pain.
  1. Stimulates Kidney Function: This pose can stimulate kidney function, helping to remove waste products from the body.
  1. Improves Hip Flexibility: Marichyasana stretches the hips, improving flexibility and mobility in this area.
  1. Reduces Fatigue: Practicing Marichyasana can reduce fatigue and increase energy levels.
  1. Helps with Menstrual Discomfort: This pose can help to relieve menstrual discomfort by promoting healthy blood flow to the pelvic area.
  1. Promotes Healthy Liver Function: Marichyasana can promote healthy liver function by stimulating blood flow to this organ.
  1. Improves Balance: This pose challenges balance and can help to improve overall balance and stability.
  1. Relieves Shoulder Tension: Marichyasana stretches the shoulders and can relieve tension in this area.
  1. Enhances Flexibility in Arms: This pose can improve flexibility in the arms, particularly in the shoulders and wrists.
  1. Promotes Mind-Body Connection: Practicing Marichyasana can promote a greater sense of mind-body connection, leading to greater overall wellbeing.

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ) on Marichyasana 

Q: What is Marichyasana?

A: Marichyasana is a yoga posture that involves a seated twist, named after the sage Marichi.

Q: What are the benefits of Marichyasana?

A: Marichyasana offers a range of benefits, including improved digestion, spinal flexibility, core strength, concentration, posture, stress relief, anxiety reduction, immunity boost, and more.

Q: How do you do Marichyasana?

A: Marichyasana involves a seated twist, with one leg extended and the other leg bent, and the torso twisted towards the bent leg.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid in Marichyasana?

A: Common mistakes in Marichyasana include rounding the spine, forcing the twist, and overstretching.

Q: What are some preparatory poses for Marichyasana?

A: Preparatory poses for Marichyasana include seated forward bends, hip openers, and twists.

Q: What are some follow-up poses for Marichyasana?

A: Follow-up poses for Marichyasana include seated forward bends, hip openers, and twists.

Q: What are some modifications for Marichyasana?

A: Modifications for Marichyasana include using props like blocks or blankets, or practicing a variation of the pose.

Q: What are some contraindications for Marichyasana?

A: Contraindications for Marichyasana include recent abdominal surgery, pregnancy, and spinal injuries.

Q: How long should you hold Marichyasana?

A: You can hold Marichyasana for several breaths, gradually working up to longer holds as your flexibility increases.

Q: What is the best time of day to practice Marichyasana?

A: There is no specific best time of day to practice Marichyasana, but it is recommended to practice on an empty stomach.

Q: Is Marichyasana safe for beginners?

A: Marichyasana can be safe for beginners, but it is important to practice with awareness and under the guidance of a certified yoga instructor.

Q: Can Marichyasana be practiced during pregnancy?

A: Marichyasana is not recommended during pregnancy, as it can put pressure on the abdomen and be uncomfortable.

Q: Can Marichyasana be practiced if you have a spinal injury?

A: Marichyasana should be avoided if you have a spinal injury, as it can exacerbate the injury.

Q: Can Marichyasana be practiced if you have a knee injury?

A: Marichyasana can be modified to accommodate knee injuries, using props or practicing a variation of the pose.

Q: Can Marichyasana help with anxiety?

A: Marichyasana can help to reduce anxiety by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation.

Q: Can Marichyasana be practiced by seniors?

A: Marichyasana can be practiced by seniors, but modifications and props may be necessary.

Q: How often should you practice Marichyasana?

A: You can practice Marichyasana as often as you like, but it is recommended to practice regularly to experience the benefits.

Q: How long does it take to see the benefits of Marichyasana?

A: The benefits of Marichyasana can be experienced immediately, but consistent practice is necessary to see long-term benefits.

Q: Is it okay to practice Marichyasana if you have high blood pressure?

A: Marichyasana can be practiced by those with high blood pressure, but modifications may be necessary and it is important to practice mindfully.

Q: How can you deepen your Marichyasana practice?

A: You can deepen your Marichyasana practice by practicing regularly, exploring variations


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