Get Rid of Intestinal Worms

Presence of worms in the intestine is a very common condition especially in the rainy season and in tropical and subtropical regions. 

The fundamental supporter of the breeding of worms is an unhygienic climate. The egg of the worm goes in the body through polluted food and water. Worms, for example, hook worms may even enter the body on the off chance that one walks shoeless on the dirt/soil. The eggs bring forth and duplicate in the intestine causing this condition. 

Symptoms of intestinal worms

A person suffering from intestinal worms may suffer from :

  • Loose motion
  • Bad breath  
  • Fatigue
  • Dark circles
  • Hunger pangs 
  • Anemia 
  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Stomach ache
  • Constant coughing
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting or nausea

Home remedies for intestinal worms

  1. Papayas 

Papayas are known to be amazingly useful for the stomach, just as in forestalling intestinal worms. The catalyst papain has anthelmintic properties that neutralize the parasite. You can utilize the raw papaya, its seed and the leaves. 

Instructions to use:

Take 1 tablespoon of fresh raw papaya juice, 1 tablespoon of honey and add 3-4 tablespoon of boiling water. Drink it early in the morning on a vacant stomach. Grind papaya seeds in a grinder into a fine powder and have it with a glass of warm water or milk, or sprinkle it in your glass of smoothie. You can heat up the leaves in warm water, strain the solution and have the filtrate alongside water. 

  1. Coconut 

Coconut is an ingredient which is usually suggested by health specialists when one experiences stomach sicknesses. Coconut water does some amazing things in clearing toxins from the body and chilling it off. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid which has antibacterial properties and is anti-parasitic.

Instructions to use:

Take 1 tablespoon of grated coconut with breakfast, trailed by a glass of warm milk with 1 tablespoon of castor oil following three hours. Or on the other hand you can have 3-4 Tbsp additional virgin coconut oil day by day. 

  1. Lotus Stem 

In numerous societies, lotus is viewed as a holy plant, and for fair reason. It has numerous wellbeing benefiting properties, directly from the root to the blossom.

Fresh lotus stem is viewed as sweet and cooling, and is utilized to neutralize summer dryness and awful warmth. Lotus roots have dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, thiamine, nutrient B6, riboflavin, phosphorus, manganese and copper.

Instructions to use:

Extract 2 tablespoon of juice from fresh lotus roots and have it alongside a tablespoon of honey on a vacant stomach, promptly toward the beginning of the day. 

  1. Garlic 

Garlic is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. A few people use it as a reciprocal remedy for intestinal worms. 

Instruction to use: 

To utilize garlic, individuals can eat the raw cloves or utilize chopped garlic in an assortment of dishes. On the other hand, they can blend finely minced garlic in with petroleum jelly to form a paste, which they can apply straightforwardly to the skin in the butt-centric area. 

Be that as it may, it is imperative not to apply the paste to hemorrhoids, irritated skin or regions of skin breakdown. 

  1. Pineapple 

Pineapple accompanies a large group of medical advantages and it is the most loved tropical food. It is particularly useful for the stomach, helping common assimilation and restoring blockage. It contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain that is known to help in the breakdown of protein and fight intestinal worms.

Instruction to use: 

Have a glass of fresh pineapple juice early morning on a vacant stomach.

  1. Pomegranate 

Another supernatural ingredient that does some incredible things for the heart and wellbeing is pomegranate. As shown by Ayurveda, the bark of pomegranate trees contains an alkaloid called punicine, which has anthelmintic properties that help in discarding intestinal worms.

Instructions to use:

Heat up the pomegranate bark in water for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the flame and afterward leave it overnight. Strain the water the next day and drink it on an unfilled stomach promptly in the morning. Drinking fresh pomegranate juice can likewise help keep your body working effectively. 

  1. Wormwood 

Studies recommend that the spice wormwood might be successful as a treatment for some parasitic diseases. 

Individuals have utilized wormwood for quite a long time to treat pinworm, and it has additionally been included in veterinary medication as well. In any case, there is no scientific proof to demonstrate that wormwood is powerful for intestinal worms in people. 

Instruction to use: 

Individuals can utilize wormwood by making it into a tincture or tea. It is ideal to address a specialist prior to attempting it and to restrict its utilization to a limit of about a month. 

  1. Pumpkin seeds 

Pumpkin seeds contain a compound called cucurbitacin. Early investigations proposed that this compound may make pumpkin seeds successful against intestinal worms.

Instruction to use: 

It is conceivable to eat pumpkin seeds or mix them with water to form a paste to eat. Nonetheless, there is no ongoing proof to propose that pumpkin seeds can help dispose of intestinal worms.

  1. Carrots 

Carrots give fiber and can uphold bowel movement. Raw carrots are wealthy in fiber, which can help keep the digestive system healthy.

Scientists do not know whether carrots battle against intestinal worms straightforwardly, yet they may help push the intestinal worms out of the digestive organs. 

Instruction to use: 

Except if an individual has a sensitivity to carrots, eating them raw on an empty stomach is a helpful home remedy. It is ideal to wash carrots first to dispose of microscopic organisms and pesticides. 

Prevention for intestinal worms

Following are some preventions to get rid of intestinal worms:

  • Taking shower daily.
  • Cleaning all surfaces in the kitchen and washroom completely consistently.
  • Washing all bed cloth, night wear, and towels in heated water.
  • Washing the hands consistently, particularly in the wake of evolving diapers, utilizing the bathroom and prior to eating.
  • Not sharing washcloths and towels.
  • Vacuuming rugs and cleaning floors oftentimes.
  • Changing undergarments each day. 
  • Not shaking things that may contain intestinal worms’s eggs, for example, bed materials, garments, and towels.
  • Keeping fingernails perfect and short and not gnawing them. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What poop looks like when you have worms?

Some of the time the worms are obvious in the butt-centric region, in the toilet or in undergarments. In stools, the worms appear as though little bits of white cotton string. On account of their size and white tone, intestinal worms are hard to see. The male worm is seldom observed in light of the fact that it stays inside the digestive system.

  1. What are the white worms in my poop?

Pinworms are small, white, string like worms that live in the rectum. The worms creep out of the rear-end (bum) around evening time and lay their eggs on close by skin. Pinworms can be uncomfortable however they do not cause illness. Individuals who have pinworms are not messy.

  1. How do you get rid of intestinal worms naturally?

A few specialists likewise propose an intestinal purify or detox, a methodology that includes matching a high-fiber diet with supplements said to help your body in getting out intestinal parasites. These enhancements incorporate beetroot, psyllium and flaxseeds.

  1. Will probiotics kill parasites?

Early lab preliminaries propose that probiotics may help lessen danger of, and help with fighting off, some parasitic infections. It has been indicated that specific probiotics can help dispose of conceivably irresistible organisms, while reinforcing the mucus barrier of the gut and supporting our immune defenses.

  1. How often should I Deworm?

Worms being an extremely normal medical condition for kids and grown-ups the same, specialists suggest that deworming ought to complete two times per year or every six months, beginning from the age of two years of age. Deworming is the cycle that includes the utilization of prescription to dispose of intestinal parasites like worms.

  1. What is the best medicine for worms in humans?

Mebendazole is a sort of medication for treating worms. It is utilized mostly for contaminations of the gut, for example, threadworms (now and then known as pinworms) and other more uncommon worm disease (roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm). You can purchase mebendazole from a medical store. It’s likewise accessible on prescription.

  1. Do all humans have worms?

Be that as it may, only 100 years prior, before toilets and running water were typical, everyone had customary exposure to intestinal worms. Much appreciated to some extent to present day plumbing, individuals in the industrialized world have now lost practically the entirety of their worms, except for occasional pinworms in certain youngsters.

Final words

Intestinal worms do not typically cause extreme issues, however they can upset rest and lessen an individual’s personal satisfaction. 

A few people may wish to have a go at utilizing home remedies for intestinal worms. Notwithstanding, if symptoms continue, it is ideal to see a specialist to get the best possible treatment and get rid of the intestinal worms. 

Intestinal worms can be treated with medicine and great cleanliness practices. 


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